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Los reportajes freelance de Robert han sido publicados en periódicos, plataformas digitales y en la radio en Estados Unidos. Robert tiene una licenciatura en periodismo de la University of Minnesota, donde trabajaba en el periódico estudiantil Minnesota Daily como reportero, editor y director editorial. A continuación encontrarás algunos ejemplos (en inglés) de su portafolio.


To fix housing collapse, Spain looks to foreigners

14 de diciembre de 2012 – The Spanish government is planning to offer a sweet deal to foreigners: if you buy a house for more than $200,000, you get Spanish residency.

Opponents of MN´s gay marriage ban prepare their arguments

10 de agosto de 2012 – With fewer than three months remaining before Minnesota's gay marriage amendment, opponents and supporters alike are trying to win people over.


Prensa escrita

Mighty little Finland finds power in Bailout negotiations

11 de julio de 2012 – Finland's hard-line stance on the euro has given it outsized attention and clout, and it's showing no signs of easing its resistance.

In Venezuela H1N1 quarantine, US students stay in class

23 de marzo de 2011 – American students studying abroad in Mérida, Venezuela, are being forced to ignore a mandatory quarantine because of time constraints in their program.

Magglio Ordoñez's career could come full circle

11 de february de 2012 – All-star Magglio Ordoñez is poised to purchase the club that launched his career in Venezuela, los Caribes de Anzoátegui.

Once common Spanish-language training gone from newsrooms

16 de agosto de 2012 – A review of America's top 25 most-circulated newspapers shows that only two of them offer Language-learning programs.

A Day in Transit

24 de noviembre de 2009 – This Minnesota Daily reporter spent 19 hours on public transit, talking to the characters that depend on it.

Metro Transit's Bad Boy List shows a culture of complacency

19 de mayo de 2010City Pages obtained and analyzed what Metro Transit calls its "Bad Boy List," a who's-who of its most problematic (and unpunished) bus drivers.